Property was held by owner for slightly less than two years
Grew occupancy to nearly 99% upon time of sale
Successfully reduced operating expenses by 7% through effective personnel changes, FCM purchasing power, and enhanced management of replacement items
Improved bad debt expense by implementing focused collection efforts
Managed adjustments to lease expiration calendar so that exposure was balanced throughout the year
Grew rental income during the hold period over 5%
Owner sold the property at a 21% premium over purchase price 

Property was held by owner for slightly less than two years
Grew occupancy to nearly 99% upon time of sale
Successfully reduced operating expenses by 7% through effective personnel changes, FCM purchasing power, and enhanced management of replacement items
Improved bad debt expense by implementing focused collection efforts
Managed adjustments to lease expiration calendar so that exposure was balanced throughout the year
Grew rental income during the hold period over 5%
Owner sold the property at a 21% premium over purchase price 

Occupancy at takeover was only 63% and trending down
Secured over 100 net leases during initial 60 day period
Grew occupancy to 91% within 12 months
Property has since maintained occupancy levels in the 95%-96% range
Implemented aggressive turnover control measures resulting in a reduced turnover ratio of less than 45%
Achieved average income growth of 7% in 2011 and 2012
Successfully transitioned property for client at market premium

Property suffered from the highest crime rate in Sandy Springs upon takeover
In 2012, property was awarded ‘Most Improved Property’ in Sandy Springs for 2011
Within 6 months after takeover, management completed interior renovations on 289 units
Successfully grew occupancy in less than a year to 91%
Maintained an average occupancy for the last 5 years of 96%
Drastically improved rent collection and now ends each month with less than 0.5% delinquency
Grew total income over 10% since takeover and 5% from 2011 to 2012


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